Saves money and convenient if you are travelling around Osaka!

Ride buses and trains unlimitedly with a pass!

Ride buses and trains unlimitedly with a pass!

Allows you entry into about 40 sightseeing spots

Allows you entry into about 40 sightseeing spots

Approximately 30 facilities and stores on special offers!

Approximately 30 facilities and stores on special offers!

What is the Osaka Amazing Pass?

The Osaka Amazing Pass is a convenient card that is all you need to use eligible facilities, as well as trains and buses.

This card is all it takes for you to enjoy free rides on trains and buses as much as you want!
Comes with a barcode to enter sightseeing facilities.

1day pass
illust 1 illust 2

You can receive discounts and special offers at facilities and stores by presenting this pass.

1day pass
illust 3 illust 4

*Sale of SURUTTO QRtto (digital passenger ticket) is planned from around June 2024.

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